General modifications and clarifications
and specific changes for the 1862 campaign
Optional rules in effect for the 1862 campaign from Johnny Reb 2 (see rulebook):
2. Orders for Shaken Units | 10. Canister Hit |
3. Primary Fire Zone | 11. Skirmishers |
4. Firing on Own Troops | 12. Single Stand |
5. Fire through Enemy Skirmishers | 13. Cavalry Charge
through Woods |
8. Artillery Fire at Large Groups | 14. Smoke and
Visibility |
9. Parrott Rifles | 15. Night |
Once a campaign contact turns into a tactical battle the following are special provisions
that govern
these battles.
- Tabletop Setup - Once the terrain is selected the defender sets up first within two
feet of his edge of the board using hidden markers. The attacker then sets up within one foot of
his edge, with visible units deployed and hidden markers otherwise. If a meeting engagement,
units will be deployed within one and a half feet of their edge.
- Supply on Table - Each unit that is in good supply for ammunition may bring on
one wagon to represent its ammunition supply. This wagon may only resupply that unit and
moves as very heavy artillery.
Both infantry and artillery may resupply from the wagon, but artillery may not resupply canister.
To resupply, an infantry regiment must spend one turn marked formation change touching the
wagon, after which it is resupplied. Artillery must spend two turns marked formation change
touching the wagon. Only one unit may resupply at a time.
If destroyed, immobilized or captured the owning unit looses one full ammunition wagon from
its reserve trains. If a wagon that has not been destroyed is in the possession of the enemy at the
end of the battle he can replace one unit's ammunition train. If a supply wagon is destroyed all
units within three inches must do a disorder roll.
- Orders and Couriers
- Each unit on the field must be given specific written orders as to their tactical task. If the
overall commander wishes to change these orders a courier must be sent unless the commander's
figure is touching the officer in question. Orders are written at the beginning of the turn the
courier is to be sent.
- Available Couriers: Army, 6; Corps, 4; Division, 2; Brigade, 1. The highest ranking
commander on the field receives one additional courier.
- Officers may not move to meet couriers.
- Couriers move only during the officer casualty phase after rolling for being hit, and before
rolling for officer casualties. They have a maximum roll of 2 dice no matter how far from the
- Couriers move as officers. They may double their move, but if they do so they are lost on a
roll of 6 on one die (or 1 worse than otherwise would be the case).
- If a courier is contacted by the enemy during movement their dispatch is given to the
capturing player.
- Artillery being charged may elect to disengage if it has not fired. It may not fire and
must declare the disengage before the bonus move of the charge is rolled. Disengaging artillery
moves its entire limbered move (no penalty for limbering) but rolls for loss of gun: 1 if in open or
road; 1 or 2 if in broken; 1, 2, or 3 if rough. Very Heavy or heavier guns may only disengage if
limbered or in the process of limbering.
- Firing on own troops by artillery - Artillery's primary fire zone is the width of the
stand to the front of the section OR battery.
- Any officer may give first fire or charge orders to a regiment he is in contact with
during the mark orders phase.
- To replace officers above the level of the brigade a courier must be sent to inform
the officer of the promotion. On the turn of the loss place a courier where the loss occurred. Treat
this as a regular courier. If the courier contacts the replacement then the replacement is promoted.
Otherwise the courier waits until the next turn to move.
- If an officer is removed the next ranking officer in the command is promoted to fill
the vacant slot. If they were not assigned a tactical benefit before, it is rolled for at this time. If the
next ranking officer is not on the field, no one is promoted during the battle.
- Replacement officers, if removed by fire, create a point loss for their army. While
these are not calculated into the original point total they do count toward total points lost.
- Officers who receive a light wound retain their benefits but their points are lost. If a
light wound is received the figure stays in place. At the beginning of officer casualties roll 1d6. If
a 1 - 4 is rolled the officer returns to normal, otherwise it stays in place. At the player's option the
figure can be moved at this point, but if moved may not roll for recovery.
- "Stunned" or lightly wounded officers may not move while stunned. If they are
contacted by the enemy they are captured.
- Units may not charge with empty muskets unless out of ammunition or if their target is
behind some form of works.
- Skirmishers do not block line of sight for conditions requiring a morale check.
- Line of sight is judged by the figure's head, not associated weapons and flags.
- When units are lying prone treat them as a skirmish line with the following exceptions:
- Friendly infantry units may fire over a prone friendly unit. If doubles are rolled the prone
unit receives the same number of casualties as the unit fired upon, with no saves for being prone.
- Prone skirmishers do save if fire is shot from artillery, but must make a morale check.
- If canister is fired over a prone unit they are hit on any NONDOUBLE roll, and do not save
for being prone.
- Night Rules:
- Player's, if on the table, may order their units to continue fighting, which they will do for
two turns. If no "player" is present, or two night turns are finished, a roll of 5 or 6 on one die
(during officer casualties of the previous turn) will mean the battle is over.
- When a battle ends for the night units occupying defensible terrain (gives morale benefit)
stay in place. Other units are moved to at least twelve inches apart (or to defensible terrain to their
rear). Units may be shifted behind this line during the night, and hidden markers used.
- If both forces are on the field in the morning following a battle it may begin again. If a
player is on the field, he may order an attack two turns before dawn.
- If rain is occurring visibility will be reduced and the following:
- Light Rain - Units out of ammunition roll is one worse than otherwise.
- Heavy Rain - Units out of ammunition roll is two worse than otherwise. All terrain is one
class lower than otherwise. All streams unfordable.
- Showers - Periodic effects of light or heavy rain.
- When an infantry or cavalry unit is captured the unit comes under the control of the
capturing player. The unit immediately does an initial route move and subsequently move during
movement as a routed unit. It may be moved in any direction by the controlling player. Once off
the table it cannot be recaptured. If the captured unit is contacted by friendly troops the unit
becomes a shaken unit out of ammunition under the control of the original commander.
- Supply wagons are destroyed if they receive one hit from any source. If contacted by
enemy troops, they may be destroyed, immobilized, or moved at the players discression.
- Flank marches may be ordered and traced out on the larger scale map. Officers in charge of
these forces may or may not carry out your orders.
- Moving through built-up areas may cause problems for units not in column or skirmish
formation. Use the following:
- Move full distance, do disorder roll
- Move one inch less than otherwise the case with no possibility of disorder.
- If unit takes bonus distance, two disorder rolls are required.