Headquarters and Courier Rules
- Couriers only move during the officer casuality phase.
- They may move as officers. If so, 12 on 2d6 (or less if closer to the enemy) means they are
removed and the message not delivered,
- They may move twice officer movement. If so, 6 on 1d6 (or less if closer to the enemy)
means they are removed.
- They are always rolled for at the end of their move and before they deliver the message.
- If contacted by an enemy unit they and their message are captured. They may not be the
object of a charge.
- Finding Commanders.
- Commanders of forces must be searched for and found before a
message can be delivered unless the commander has an
established headquarters
- To locate a commander a courier must be in contact with a
unit under that commander's control and have rolled an
appropriate number on the commander location roll.
- Commander Location Roll. On the first turn of contact a 9 or
better on 2d6 is needed to locate the commander. For each
subsequent rolls the needed roll decreases by one (8 on
second roll, 7 on third...).
- Couriers who fail their location roll may move only to the
next closest unit in the following turn.
- Once a commander is located the courier may move directly to
that commander.
- Headquarters
- Brigade commanders may not establish headquarters. They must
be searched for by each courier.
- Army, Corps and Divisional commanders may establish a
headquarters. To do so the headquarters must be declared
before the game begins or the general must stay in place for
four moves (two if at a building). When a headquarters is
established couriers may move directly to the headquarters.
- Commanders may leave their headquarters, but couriers move to the HQ and must roll
as if looking for a general.