Welcome to Metro East Gaming Association!
MEGA is a loose association of wargamers who live near St. Louis, MO and share an interest in miniature gaming and in military history. These pages examine what we've done and what we're doing. They all involve miniature wargaming related materials. Here you will find campaign rule sets and modifications of published rules, plus reports on our games and other materials.
To get an idea of what we've done, and perhaps what we'll
be doing in the near future, take a look at the Game
Log. This page has a listing of the battle, a short description, and a list
of commanders.
We also get reports of battles from our allies around the
country. These can be seen in Reports from Other
Theaters. MEGA is located in Illinois just east of the city of St. Louis,
Missouri. In local usage the area here is referred to as the "Metro East," hence
the name of the association.
Wednesday Night Fights
We meet each Wednesday at the Fantasy Shop in O'Fallon, IL. We play a variety of different games including:
science fiction, naval of different eras, Formula One racing, and air games.